Latest Episodes

Truth, Humility, and Doctrine
Justin and Stephen discuss the relationship between truth and humility, and Stephen suggests that encounters with truth should always be humbling. Justin considers the...

What Happened in Ephesians (2 of 3)
Stephen asks Justin about Ephesians 2 and Ephesians 5. Justin suggests that in Ephesians 2, the author contrasts the way in which Jesus brings...

What Happened in Ephesians (1 of 3)
Stephen asks Justin what happened in Ephesians, as they start into the final series on Justin's dissertation. In today's episode, they talk through Ephesians...

Truth and Relational Knowing (3 of 3)
Justin and Stephen conclude the conversation with Marcus Dip Silas about relational knowing and the nature of truth. In today’s episode (pt. 3 of...

Truth and Relational Knowing (2 of 3)
Justin and Stephen continue the conversation with Marcus Dip Silas about relational knowing and the nature of truth. In today’s episode (pt. 2 of...

Truth and Relational Knowing (1 of 3)
Marcus Dip Silas dropped by the Studio in Berlin to discuss relational knowing and the nature of truth with Justin and Stephen. In today’s...