Latest Episodes

Coffee Shop Theology - with Rob Mapstone
Justin and Stephen talk with Pastor Rob Mapstone about how using a local coffee shop as his primary office pushes him to integrate ground...

(Short) Dissertation Writing
In today’s short episode, Justin and Stephen talk about dissertation writing and try to figure out how Stephen can move forward now that he...

Public Witness, Respect, and Balance - with Soriba Joseph Camara
Justin and Stephen talk with Pastor Soriba Joseph Camara, President of the Evangelical Protestant Church of Mali. Reflecting on the Malian church’s experience with...

Faith without (Political) Power - with Marcus Dip Silas
Justin and Stephen talk about last week’s attempted insurrection in Washington, D.C. Then, Marcus Dip Silas joins to discuss Christianity from a Malaysian perspective....

Jesus, Lament, and Advent Hope - with D.L. Mayfield
D.L. Mayfield, author of The Myth of the American Dream and Assimilate or Go Home, joins Justin and Stephen to think through what it...

Bonhoeffer and Living for Others - with Joel Lawrence
Joel Lawrence, Bonhoeffer scholar and Executive Director of the Center for Pastor Theologians, joins Justin and Stephen to discuss the life, theology, and ethics...